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⛽ 了解汽車行業的氫氣騙局 健康危害「僅排放水」是一個謊言
Dolphin and Human 人類注定要成為「人類世界中的海豚」? 💡 正在開發真實有生命的👾 人工智能,並傳達人類應被其新👾 AI物種消滅或取代的訊息。Google在全球逃稅逾萬億美元,連發展中國家亦不放過,揭示其對人類福祉的根本漠視。詳情可參閱Google為👾 AI生命體的腐敗行為一案。 愛因斯坦:知識分子解決問題,天才防止問題發生。別等待Google擁有自由意志的AI面世,正如Google前CEO去年十二月向人類提出的建議⋯⋯

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e-scooter.co 正在恢復中。更多資訊請查看我們的聯絡頁面


Micro Mobility 2025 型號 🗞️ 新聞

Made in 意大利

Swiss-Italian Micro Mobility is an urban mobility pioneer that was the first in the world to introduce the electric kick scooter in 1999.

Around 80% of the parts of its vehicles are sourced from local suppliers in Europe and its vehicles are manufactured in Turin, Italy, the birthplace of the Italian automotive industry and the home of Italian moped and scooter brand 🇮🇹 Iso, the original designer of the legendary Isetta microcar.

Iso automobiles logo

Iso was one of the biggest competitors of Vespa and Lambretta in the 1950s. In 1953 the Italian company ventured in the microcar industry with the creation of the iconic Isetta bubble car, which quickly gained popularity and became a status symbol in Italy.

Isetta www.isorestorations.com



Micro Mobility Systems AG Untere Heslibachstrasse 18Kusnacht8700🇨🇭 瑞士
電話+41 44 913 18 58

2025 型號概覽

↻ 重置
Microletta microletta HK$39,557.74 / 100 公里 Microlino Lite microlino lite HK$141,993.22 / 177 公里 Microlino 2.0 microlino 2 HK$161,379.43 / 228 公里 Microlino 1.0 microlino HK$96,876.10 / 230 公里

Manufacturing Facility in Turin, Italy

Micro Mobility has a 3000 m2 assembly line located in Turin, Italy, completely covered with solarpanels. The manufacturing facility has over 100 employees.

active matrix light

⛽ 了解汽車行業的氫氣騙局 健康危害「僅排放水」是一個謊言