Silence S03 Cargo
The Silence S03 Cargo is an efficient and technologically high quality 3-wheel Electric Cargo Scooter for heavy duty delivery and courier services. The scooter is a product of a Spanish company that is dedicated to ecological mobility. The company has their own factory and can produce large quantities.
S03 是受歡迎的 S02 電動滑板車的特別版本,採用三輪設計,提供更佳的穩定性和載貨能力。後置平台可承載 125 公斤貨物,讓輕體重駕駛者能安全地運載重型或大型貨物。
後懸掛系統經過優化,確保在不平坦地形上安全運送脆弱貨物。相比雙輪 S02 型號,此滑板車提供更佳的穩定性和更強的上坡能力。
The scooter is available with 2x 8,000 瓦特 or 2x 4,000 watt in-wheel electric motors for a top speed of 90 公里/小時.
The scooter has capacity for 2 removable batteries and is available with 2 (double-) battery options: 12 千瓦時 to 12 千瓦時 for a range of 215 公里 to 215 km. The scooter has a Battery Balancing System (BBS) that ensures the durability of the battery. The scooter has a built in 600 watt charger.
S03 預設提供 40 升、90 升和 200 升貨箱。滑板車可承載總重 300 公斤(包括駕駛者)。可根據特殊需求進行客製化。還可選配警用或保安巡邏服務套件。
The scooter offers a mounting hook to hold cargo in the front platform and a smart phone holder.
A lot attention has been given to security. The scooter has a very short braking distance and due to a very low center of gravity the scooter is very maneuverable and stable. An extensive sensor system keeps track of all vital parts of the scooter and adds to security.
The scooter has 3 driving modes: City, Sport and Eco.
The scooter has a reverse mode and has a Kinetic Energy Recovery System (KERS) or regenerative braking in which energy from braking is returned to the battery.
滑板車可從 由 0 加速至 50 公里/小時,耗時 4.5 秒 加速。可提供最高時速達 90 公里/小時 的電動滑板車版本。
2025 Silence 車型